The energy industry, including the… | JTEKT Machinery North America

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Six Month ROI in Oil and Gas Industry

Jan 01, 2018

Whitepaper Summary Sample:

The energy industry, including the machinery required to extract oil and gas, is an often unpredictable trade, tied largely to the price of a barrel of oil. Amongst other issues, when barrel prices drive demand, manufacturers are overwhelmed by the workload and hire additional labor to increase production. During downtimes, these same companies are then operating in survival mode, often laying off employees just to make ends meet. The entire process is cyclical, resulting in heavy turnover and difficulty in identifying and retaining high-performing, skilled laborers. In an industry where competing political policies, international trade restrictions and environmental concerns create constant levels of uncertainty, identifying methods that bolster control over variables that manufacturers can regulate is of utmost importance to maintain profitability...

In this whitepaper:

  • See the Impact that Quality Tools have on Improved Production
  • Read about different Machining Processes that provide a Competitive Advantage
  • Learn how Contouring Heads can Increase your Business' Efficiency
  • Review the Latest in Chip Evacuation Design Advancements
  • See why Transitioning to Automation Eliminates Labor Force & Economic Volatility
  • Learn more about JTEKT Machinery's FH1250SW Quill Spindle - the Ideal Machine for the Heavy-Duty Demands of the Oil & Gas Industry

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